牛油果鸡肉汉堡 Grilled Avocado Chicken Burger

鸡胸肉碎 400 克、熟牛油果 1 粒(切小块)、面包糠 1杯、番茄1粒(剁碎)、蒜茸1茶匙、鸡蛋1粒(打散)、盐和胡椒粉适量
1 把牛油果、鸡肉碎、番茄、面包糠、鸡蛋及蒜茸混合,以盐和胡椒粉调味,做成4-5块肉饼。(图1-3)
2 热不黏锅,加入少许油,把肉饼煎至熟,每边只需煎3-4分钟,只需翻转一次。(图4)
3 夹入汉堡面包里,配上一片的番茄、生菜及芝士片,然后淋上辣椒酱即可。(图5-8)

400g minced chicken breast, 1 ripe avocado (cut in small chunks), 1 cup breadcrumbs, 1 tomato (chopped) 1 tsp chopped garlic, 1 egg (beaten lightly), salt & pepper to taste
Burger buns (storebought), tomatoes, lettuce, cheese slices, chili sauce
1 Mix the chopped avocado, minced meat, tomato, breadcrumbs, egg and garlic. Season with salt & pepper. Form into 4 to 5 patties. (pic 1-3)
2 Grease nonstick pan with some cooking oil and sear the patties for 3 to 4 minutes per side. You only need to flip them once. (pic 4)
3 Serve on a bun with a slice of tomato, iceberg lettuce and cheese slice; drizzle chili sauce over and serve. (pic 5-8)


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